14 Years. 380 Embroiderers. 51 Countries. Millions of stitches. 1 Dress.

The Red Dress

A collaborative embroidery project, The Red Dress was conceived by British artist Kirstie Macleod as an artistic platform for women around the world, many of whom are vulnerable and live in poverty, to tell their personal stories through embroidery. The dress, which has toured the globe since 2009, features contributions from 380 artists from 51 countries and has become a representation of border-defying unity and self-expression.

Artist talk with Kirstie Macleod

Kristie Macleod — who conceived of and created the Red Dress Project — joins from her studio in England for a conversation about the origins and background of the project.

Program Information

The Red Dress

Dates: October 7, 2023 - January 28, 2024
Location: Frick Art Museum

Free and open to all
Suggested donation of $5 to support special exhibitions

Storytelling Through Embroidery

The Red Dress includes work from nearly 400 embroiderers. Learn more about them, and their additions to the project, by following the link below.

Learn More

A Global Project

Embroiderers from more than 50 countries have contributed to The Red Dress. Explore more at the interactive map linked below.

View The Map  

Three Stunning Dresses

In addition to The Red Dress, explore The Calico Dress — Pittsburgh's own version of The Red Dress created by local embroiders, craftspeople and imaginative Frick visitors of all ages — and a paper dress by Belgian artist Isabelle de Borchgrave — inspired by a piece from our very own collection: Peter Paul Rubens' Portrait of Charlotte- Marguerite de Montmorency, Princess of Condé.


The Red Dress is made possible by the generosity of these supporters

Anonymous (Russia)
Anonymous (Eritrea)
Mary Louise and Chester Babst (Czech Republic)
Elizabeth E. Barker, Ph.D. (Turkey)
Nancy L. Barry (Germany)
Dr. Geoffrey and Ms. Elizabeth Bond (Australia)
The Brodsky Family (Nigeria)
Linda Brown
Brenda S. Calihan
Mr. James P. Cassaro (India)
Circle-Lets, Pittsburgh Chapter (Kenya)
Darla Cisek
Michael and Sharon Crow (Ireland)
Ms. Anne K. Curtis and Mr. Tim Clark (Ukraine)
Ms. Jacquelyn Cynkar (Rwanda)
Lucyna de Barbaro (Poland)
Edward H. Dane (Dubai)
Kathy Deis
Ms. Margot B. Dermody and Dr. Terence S. Dermody (Singapore)
Kim and John Dingess (Poland)
Ms. Mary Jane Edwards (Jamaica, Vietnam, and Wales)
Elaine Effort (Namibia)
Sandra Finley (Peru)
Laura and Chester Fisher (England)
In Memory of Toto Fisher (Kosovo)
Kate Freed and Jack Brice (Tobago)
Rebecca Glaser (Malta)
Emily Landerman Goldberg (Ukraine)
Shirley Golden (Namibia)
Jodi and Zeb Golomb, in honor of Sophie's 25th birthday
Elizabeth Haley (Nigeria)
Rebecca and Martial Hebert (Jamaica and Sweden)
Bob Hernandez and Karen Blumen
Barbara Noble Howard and Chris Howard, DPhil
Lorraine Houston
Susan E. Hunter (Syria)
Ms. Carol Jackson
Janet Jai and Kimberly Schevtchuk (Poland and Ukraine)
Alan James and Beverly Thornton (Rwanda)
Mr. Kirk J. Johnson and Mr. Henry W. Krakovsky, Jr. (Egypt, Hong Kong, Iraq, and Kyrgyzstan)
Cathy Jones (South Africa)
Madison and Hadley Kalson (Ukraine)
Lee Knox Tile and Design (Brazil)
Kolano Design (Poland)
Joyce Leifer 
Tara and John Lewis (Columbia)
Wendy M. Lloyd (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
Mary and Don Lucidi (DR Congo)
Carol S. MacPhail (United States of America)
Mr. and Mrs. K.C. Marshall (Poland)
Rebecca and James Mauch
Inez Miles
Cece Miller (Mexico)
Ms. Laura N.K. Miller, Esq. and Mr. David J. Miller, Esq. (Brazil)
Betty Morgan (Canada)
Lana Neumeyer (Brazil)
Elysia Newman (China)
Paul and Alison Oehler 
Judy Horgan and Steve Pavsner
Ms. Cathy Raphael
Reading Between the Wines, a Beaver County Book Club
Barbara J. Reilly (Afghanistan)
Sally Ritts (Refugees from Palestine)
Kim and Rick Roadarmel
In Honor of Maddy Rolla
Violette Ruth (Romania)
Matt and Melissa Sanfilippo (Norway)
Connie and Bob Schuetz (Montenegro)
Janet Simon (Switzerland)
Mr. and Mrs. David Snuffer (Estonia)
Spotlight Costumes LLC (Ukraine)
Senator Pat Stefano, Co-Chair of the Arts and Culture Caucus of the PA Legislature (Japan)
The Links, Incorporated, Pittsburgh Chapter (South Africa)
Turtle Creek Valley Rotary Club (India)
Bonnie and Tom VanKirk (Ireland)
Sybil P. Veeder (Argentina)
Nancy D. Washington, Ph.D. (Nigeria)
Grey, Harper, Henry, and Reed Weatherford-Brown (Finland)
Lenore Williams and David Fabilli (Kenya)


The Frick Pittsburgh’s presentation of The Red Dress is part of a multi-year tour in the United States. The Red Dress was previously presented at the Southern Vermont Arts Center. Following its Pittsburgh premiere, the dress will travel to Fuller Craft Museum.

Image Gallery

The Red Dress worn by UK artisan Freya Lusher. Photo by Sophia Schorr-Kon.
The Red Dress worn by UK artisan Freya Lusher. Photo by Sophia Schorr-Kon.
Embroidery Circle featuring the Swansea Women's Asylum and Refugee Support Group. National Waterfront Museum, Swansea. Photo by Mark Pickthall.
Embroidery Circle featuring the Swansea Women's Asylum and Refugee Support Group. National Waterfront Museum, Swansea. Photo by Mark Pickthall.
The Red Dress embroidery detail. Photo by Sophia Schorr-Kon.
The Red Dress embroidery detail. Photo by Sophia Schorr-Kon.
Kirstie Macleod works on The Red Dress. Photo by Sophia Schorr-Kon.
Kirstie Macleod works on The Red Dress. Photo by Sophia Schorr-Kon.
The Red Dress worn by Natasha Faye Hopkins. Photo by Dave Watts.
The Red Dress worn by Natasha Faye Hopkins. Photo by Dave Watts.
The Red Dress embroidery detail. Photo by Sophia Schorr-Kon.
The Red Dress embroidery detail. Photo by Sophia Schorr-Kon.
Artisan Ayo Amon Demi holds a piece of The Red Dress. Photo by Chloe Townsend.
Artisan Ayo Amon Demi holds a piece of The Red Dress. Photo by Chloe Townsend.
The Red Dress worn by UK artisan Diana Milstein. Photo by Sophia Schorr-Kon.
The Red Dress worn by UK artisan Diana Milstein. Photo by Sophia Schorr-Kon.
Sharmin Faeq Sadiq works on The Red Dress at the National Waterfront Museum in Swansea. Photo by Mark Pickthall.
Sharmin Faeq Sadiq works on The Red Dress at the National Waterfront Museum in Swansea. Photo by Mark Pickthall.
Artisans Gisele, Esther, and Esperance work on The Red Dress. Photo by Nicole Esselen.
Artisans Gisele, Esther, and Esperance work on The Red Dress. Photo by Nicole Esselen.

It's free to visit The Frick Pittsburgh.