pop-up exhibition

decolonizing: intimate family portraiture

"Dehumanization, although a concrete historical fact, is not a given destiny but the result of an unjust order that engenders violence in the oppressors, which in turn dehumanizes the oppressed."
— Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed

This is why we decolonize; to humanize.

Inspired by the personal photographs in Frida Kahlo—An Intimate Portrait: The Photographic Albums, the 13 women artists of the locally based #notwhite collective selected photographs from our their own family albums to create an intimate, collective portrait of themselves. Through their photos, they share experiences that bind them together—love, joy, family, loss—and express their unique cultural identities.

Decolonization is a process of undoing social structures that support a discriminatory status quo. It is the act of examining and decentering dominant groups, and holding space for previously marginalized voices, creating a place for rage and joy, for whole people.
Program Information

decolonizing: intimate family portraiture

Dates: May 12, 2021 - May 30, 2021
Location: The Frick Art Museum
The #notwhite collective not only dreams of, but works to create inclusive spaces, where people who live in the in-between can be fully who they are—to live unhindered by oppression; to be in their light as they self-define, celebrate their culture, and express their vitality. To live a just, liberated, and full life.

Who are the #notwhite collective?

We are a collective of women who have been named by everyone but ourselves; we are bi/multi-racial/cultural, immigrant or descendants of immigrants and those who never wanted to get on that boat, the stolen. We are investigating the many ways we are seen or not seen, separated and together. We persist. We seek liberation through sharing space and stories; research and art-making; discussing the history of imperialism and its effect on us, on the world. We actively reject colonialism through our non-hierarchical, joyful, rageful, loving process. Please enjoy this intimate space where we do just that, bring you into our practice, our humanity.

It's free to visit The Frick Pittsburgh.